Sting of Death

Dr. Richardson and his assistant Dr. John Hoyt are biologists who are living at Dr. Richardson's island home doing research on the Portuguese Man-O-War jellyfish. Dr. Richardson's daughter Karen show's up with three of her friends for a visit and after her friends meet the Dr.'s assistant Egon, Karen's friends offend him rudely. That was their first mistake. Karen has known Egon for years however and defends him. She likes him very much but Egon's desires for Karen go far beyond friendship. Although no one ever takes him seriously, Egon has been working on a way to breed a giant Portuguese Man-O-War in captivity, and his experiments have gone way beyond the breeding process. He has discovered a way to merge with the giant jellyfish, and become a half-man half-jellyfish creature who exacts his revenge on Karen's friends and all who have wronged him.

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