Letting Life In

"Letting Life In" explores a single year of life between two people. Michael, a reclusive novelist, lives in a small town in upstate New York. He knows nothing of living life beyond the suffocating walls he has built for himself. Sarah, a cancer survivor, takes a job as Michael's personal assistant. Now free of her illness she uses this opportunity to live life for the first time, finally experiencing all the things she never could. Sarah's new lease on life sparks Michael's deep desires to start living again, and to finally face the truths of his past. Together they embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the true life, and love, within each other. Sarah shows Michael the beauty of life around him - from the smell of a simple flower, to the power of a raging river, to ultimate passion of love between two souls. Soon Michael evolves from a fearful person living in the past, to a man willing to live life once again. Unfortunately, in discovering this new life and love, comes the greatest test of all - saying good-bye. Sarah's cancer returns and Michael is now faced with the loss of the single thing that gives him life. But what Sarah has given Michael over their year of love will enable him to not only be there for her, but to go on in life without her - stronger than he has ever been before. This is "Letting Life In," a journey of existing in the moments that make life worth living and love worth finding.

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