From Mambo to Hip Hop – A South Bronx Tale

There's a postage stamp of urban sidewalk known by people of a certain age for having burned to the ground. A more recent generation knows it as the place where hip hop was born. An older generation remembers the time that this turf nurtured the hot New York Latin music sound that came to be known as salsa. From Mambo to Hip Hop: A Bronx Tale is an hour-long documentary that tells a story about the creative life of the South Bronx, beginning with the Puerto Rican migration and the adoption of Cuban rhythms to create the New York salsa sound; continuing with the fires that destroyed the neighborhood but not the creative spirit of its people; chronicling the rise of hip hop from the ashes; and ending with reflections on the power of the neighborhood's music to ensure the survival of several generations of its residents, and, in the process, take the world's pop culture by storm. FEATURING: Angel Rodrםguez, Benny Bonilla, Bobby Sanabria, Bom 5, Carlos "Charlie Chase" Mandes, Clemente "Kid Freeze" Moreno, Curtis "Caz" Brown, David Gonzalez, Mr. and Mrs. Salsa, Eddie Palmieri, Emma Rodrםguez, Jean Manuel Massenya, Louis Mercado, Luis "Trace" Otero, Luis "Track II" Mateo, Luis Chalusian, Orlando Marםn, "Popmaster Fabel" Pabףn, Ray Barretto, Sandra Marםa Esteves, Tony "Peanuts" Aubert, Willie Colףn and also Featuring Rock Steady Crew and Dnynamic Rockers.

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