DOA – Greatest Hits 1978-1998

D.O.A’s Greatest Shits is a collection of videos and live performances documenting twenty years of one of Canada’s founding fathers of punk rock. Fourteen tracks cover the gamut from promotional music videos shown on Canada’s Muchmusic before they became an MTV clone, live performances from the Peppermint Lounge in NYC, Club Soda in Vancouver B.C., and more. The combined total of all the footage is roughly sixty minutes, and it’ll go by pretty fast if you’re a fan. Most of the footage is from the 80s and 90s and I’m personally of the opinion that D.O.A. was at their peak in the late 70s so I was a little disappointed by that, but regardless, for an ex-patriot Canucklehead like myself, it was nice to revisit one of the pillar stones of punk rock back from when and where I was growing up. The newer footage looks better than the older footage and a lot of it was, like the rest of these releases, shot on videotape, but despite some washed out and grainy pieces, the quality on display here isn’t so bad and some of it is actually pretty good. Audio is the same – some good, some not as good – but thankfully it’s all quite clean and clear for the most part.

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